Birds Control
ECO Services has grown to become an associate of commercial, corporate and industrial brands to provide them pest control and cleaning solutions. Small and large scale businesses have various set of challenges for controlling pests, birds and other animals in their vicinity. ECO Services holds expert workforce and mechanisms to deal with the issue of birds creating trouble in vicinities.
The unwanted birds in buildings or homes, create a nuisance by leaving droppings and feathers. These birds not only make the conditions unhygienic but also create noise in places of work and sophistication. If not attended in time, the polluted area may cause diseases and constant disruption to normal life.
Professionalism, Quality and Reliability
- 24/7 Customer Service
Humane way to deal with birds
ECO Services never believes in harming or killing the birds. We apply humanitarian ways of bird control by using preventive strategies (physical controls / bird repellents / ultrasonic devices /bird spikes / natural Control). Bird control solutions are applied after thorough inspection of the vicinity as the physical structures are important for the inlet of birds in the vicinity. There is a guaranteed control on birds through mechanical and physical measures.

ECO Services has extended its Integrated Pest Management Services in Punjab and Sindh. We work in Industrial / Commercial zones to implement bird control as part of pest management. You may call our offices in Karachi and Lahore to address your concerns of bird control.