Plot C-6, Block 5, Gulshan e Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
Plot C-6, Block 5, Gulshan e Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
    ECO Services > Blog > Professional Pest Control Services save your home and health

Professional Pest Control Services save your home and health

Professional Pest Control Services save your home and health
Pest infestations can be frustrating anywhere, but in homes, they affect the basic lifestyle and health, which is why you might be willing to do anything and everything to control this nuisance. But the problem is, with a range of uncertified and unlabeled products in the market, you might bring home something much worse – chemicals leading to breathing problems, skin allergies, food contamination, and more.

Why Do People Consume Cheap And Unlabeled Pest Control Products?

People believe in the myth that professional pest control services are expensive and results must be obtained on the first attempt to save money. Let us break this myth for you:
  1. Cheap and unlabeled products carry a harsh effect (high toxicity levels) due to which visible adult pest population is killed immediately. This harsh toxicity badly affects the environment and human health. It also does not target the hidden pest breeding spots. Thus, the pests arise again from eggs and there will be a need for chemical application again. This sooner application creates invisible damage.
  2. Professional services charge for the certified medicine and application. When we say certified, it means the chemical has low toxicity which is safe for humans and the environment. It does not cause damage to health. Professional services offer guarantees of pest elimination because they work on source elimination.
  3. With rising air pollutants, you may be noticing your increased doctor visits for allergies. Plus, you must be buying the unlabeled chemical every month. Thus the comparison of expenses is easy to estimate.

Why Choose Professional Pest Control Services?

Numerous cases of toxic sprays claiming lives have been reported in Pakistan. Hundreds of cases like this go unreported every year. The unlabelled pest control sprays used in these cases are all extremely toxic to humans because the toxicity levels are untested. While they might be harmful to the pests they are intended for, they are also harmful to humans. Many of these toxic sprays which might not claim lives can cause breathing problems as well.
While pests might be a nuisance, the best way to eliminate them is to opt for professional pest control services. Using human-safe products is just one reason why you should choose professional pest control services like ECO Services.

Use of Human-Safe Products

At ECO Services, we use local and imported products that have been proven to eliminate pests but are safe for humans. However, a complete set of precautions are followed where house residents are required to evacuate for a few hours so that the medicine works well in a sealed house. The house is completely safe for use after a few hours with proper ventilation.b.

Getting To The Root Cause

At ECO Services, we follow a 4 step-elimination process that includes inspection, identification, exclusion, and treatment. In the inspection phase, professionals thoroughly assess the home and gauge the seriousness of the issue.
Next, they look for places where pests can hide. The exclusion process entails inspecting the home for pipe leakage, drainage issues, and pest entry points that are the reason for pest harborage and could make the pest control service ineffective. When the root cause of the issue is determined, the treatment is effective and long-lasting.

Long-Lasting Pest Riddance

When you opt for ECO Services, the professionals, depending on the kind of infestation, may recommend cyclical treatments to ensure that the eggs and larvae are eliminated before they can breed. Compared to this, if you do a DIY job, you might not be sure when to target these pest colonies to ensure complete elimination and long-lasting riddance.
Additionally, the process and the use of effective, but human-safe chemicals ensure that you don’t see pests in your home for a long time.


Professional services are a great choice for your home because they choose labeled, certified, and highly effective products for the pest control job. But they are not a choice only because of this factor. When you choose professional pest control services like ECO Services, they guarantee a thorough job. At ECO Services, the professionals follow four steps to ensure that the places of pest harborage are identified and treated appropriately.
As experts in the field, they also recommend cyclical treatments that ensure complete elimination of the eggs and larvae before they reproduce.
Additionally, you can be worry-free about any problems that occur later as ECO Services also offers quick and highly satisfactory customer service.
So, if pests are living uninvited in your home, get a quick quote and book ECO Services’ pest control services.
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Leaders in the Pest Control Industry

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Our pay rates are higher than industry standards for the best employees.

Our Training

All of our employees receive cleaning methods and equipment training.

Our Services

We provide a wide array of professional cleaning services perfect.


We conduct frequent quality control inspections to ensure the best services.

Our Aim

ECO Services as an ISO 9001 recognized service provider establishes best industry practices for pest control and cleaning solutions for industrial, commercial and residential sectors.

Vision Statement

We believe in maintaining a relationship with our clients, which is only possible through high quality, high commitment and good communication

Our Core Values
  • Favorable pricing for the client, well suited to service standards
  • Most approachable customer care in the services industry
  • Tech-based modified monitoring and reporting for IPM services
  • Service team well-equipped with fine set of skills and knowledge
Choosing a Service You Trust

Are you bothered about choosing the best home cleaning service because you do not know which to trust? We are certain about the fact that you want the best services, which is why we are here for you. We are experts, and we don’t want you to go through the stress of surfing the internet without getting any result; this could be annoying, and we know that.

Certified Cleaning and Sanitizing Technicians

All of our experts are certified surgical cleaning technicians. This is a very comprehensive healthcare cleaning certification by the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE). By holding these janitorial licenses, we are able to maintain proper upkeep for every medical office.

This allows us to provide state-of-the-art care in operating rooms, common areas, and health labs. With an entire personnel of CSCT professionals, we maintain an edge as the leading service provider in the medical cleaning industry.
