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Plot C-6, Block 5, Gulshan e Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
    ECO Services > Blog > How ECO Services Expert Can Control Common Rodent Problems?

How ECO Services Expert Can Control Common Rodent Problems?

How ECO Services Expert Can Control Common Rodent Problems
Rodents, such as rats and mice, can quickly become a significant problem in homes and businesses. They can cause damage to property, spread diseases, and contaminate food supplies. If you’re dealing with a rodent infestation, it’s important to take action quickly.
Controlling rodents can become a challenge specifically at food production sites or places linked to any kind of food spot. When you opt for ECO Services, they have a step-by-step procedure to eliminate these pests and control the rodent problem. They start by assessing the entire vicinity to identify possible access points, food sources, and residing points for rats.
Once the area is inspected, technicians then take necessary actions and create barriers with effective and quick tools. Poison in bait stations and traps are then placed according to requirements at safe points.

Steps to Control Rodents in Residential and Commercial Spaces

First Step: Identifying the Problem

The first step in rodent control is to identify the problem. This involves inspecting your property for signs of rodent activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, rub marks, and their nests.
Once these are identified, the team asses your property for structural damage like faulty drain pipes, damaged door nets, or sanitation issues that may be giving an inlet to rodents. They then give you suggestions to manage these entryways to keep the rodents at bay.

Second Step: Repairing damage

Once the issues are identified, it is important to seal the entry points. Rodents can squeeze through very small openings. So, the ECO Services team can help you seal any cracks or holes in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof.
They can also help you remove clutter that may be attracting these pests. The clutter is usually where they build their nests and serve as hiding spots where they feel safe. Keeping rodents at bay also requires keeping the area clutter-free even after the treatment. For commercial clients, ECO Services offers integrated pest management services that keep rodent traps monitored through technology for safety.

Third Step: Using Traps and Bait Stations

In commercial properties, ECO Services sets up bait stations that are integrated with the IMP app. This allows the pest control operators to assess which bait stations have captured rodents to get the area free from these pests as soon as possible.
In residential properties, traditional traps are used to lure in these pests and remove them from the premises. These traps might have poisonous substances that can eliminate these pests. However, the type of treatment depends on the type of rodent infestation they are dealing with.

Fourth Step: Ongoing Precautions

Once the rodent problem is solved, there are still some precautions to take. ECO Services experts will recommend keeping the home clutter-free and keeping the entry points sealed. They will also recommend homeowners store food in airtight containers to prevent rodents from accessing it.
For manufacturing facilities, food service industries, and hospitality industries like restaurants and hotels, the experts recommend industry-specific ways. They will inform the personnel how food can be handled and cleanliness can be maintained to keep rodents away from these areas.

Final Words

ECO Services experts have a deep understanding of rodent behavior and biology. They use a variety of techniques to control rodent populations, including traditional traps and bait stations. The type of technique depends on the vicinity type and the extent of the rodent infestation.
Therefore, for a rodent problem, ECO Services is your best bet, whether you are dealing with a rodent problem at home or at a commercial property like a manufacturing facility or office.
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